Most popular Foursquare Grocery Stores in Brussel

Venue Total check-ins Total users Tips Check-ins per user
1. Grocery Store Hypermarkt Carrefour / Hypermarché Carrefour Grocery Store Av de Wezembeeklaan, 1 4389 1193 12 3.68
2. Grocery Store Carrefour express Grocery Store Europakruispunt 2 l'Europe 3682 1191 8 3.09
3. Grocery Store Carrefour market Grocery Store Chaussée De Waterloo 719 2541 578 9 4.4
4. Grocery Store Carrefour express Grocery Store Avenue Fonsnylaan (Brussels-South Railway Station) 2437 1037 8 2.35
5. Grocery Store Cru Grocery Store Brusselsesteenweg 347 1460 714 21 2.04
6. Grocery Store Metro Cash & Carry Grocery Store Werkhuizenkaai 22-23 Quai des Usines 1427 409 2 3.49
7. Grocery Store Carrefour express Grocery Store 26 Rue De La Loi 1399 376 8 3.72
8. Grocery Store Carrefour express Grocery Store Quai La Houille-steenkoolkaai 1382 359 1 3.85
9. Grocery Store White Night Grocery Store Avenue Houzeaulaan 1 1349 436 0 3.09
10. Grocery Store Carrefour express Grocery Store Vooruitgangstraat 8 Rue du Progrès 1209 296 2 4.08
11. Grocery Store Carrefour express Grocery Store Ch. de Waterloosestwg 1431 (Ch. de Waterloosestwg) 1192 302 0 3.95
12. Grocery Store Carrefour Market Grocery Store Ninoofsesteenweg 491 1087 272 1 4.0
13. Grocery Store Carrefour express Grocery Store Lakenstraat 155 Rue De Laeken 1065 266 5 4.0
14. Grocery Store Carrefour market Grocery Store Avenue Dailly 243 1044 113 2 9.24
15. Grocery Store TAGAWA VLEURGAT Grocery Store Vleurgatsesteenweg 119 Chausée de Vleurgat 937 327 27 2.87
16. Grocery Store Carrefour express Grocery Store Rue Vanderkindere 317 815 213 3 3.83
17. Grocery Store Carrefour express Grocery Store Rue Du Luxembourg 3 (RUE DU LUXEMBOURG) 794 264 2 3.01
18. Grocery Store Proxy Delhaize Grocery Store Postweg 96 770 186 2 4.14
19. Grocery Store Carrefour express Grocery Store Ch. de Charleroisestwg, 3 (Ch. de Charleroisestwg,) 769 257 12 2.99
20. Grocery Store Carrefour express Grocery Store Louizalaan 289 Avenue Louise 754 193 2 3.91
21. Grocery Store White Night Grocery Store Kasteleinsplein 43 Place du Châtelain 727 178 1 4.08
22. Grocery Store Carrefour express Grocery Store Rue Emile Lebonstraat 168 685 210 1 3.26
23. Grocery Store Carrefour express Grocery Store Bld Anspach 106 (Bld Anspach) 671 301 0 2.23
24. Grocery Store Carrefour express Grocery Store Chaussée de Waterloosesteenwe 662 195 4 3.39
25. Grocery Store Versmarkt Nys Grocery Store Haachtsesteenweg 99 652 169 5 3.86
26. Grocery Store Carrefour market Grocery Store Place Keym 83 607 156 0 3.89
27. Grocery Store Carrefour market Grocery Store Rue Léopold I 513 582 133 3 4.38
28. Grocery Store Carrefour express Grocery Store Chaussee d'Alsembergsesteenweg 676 581 162 0 3.59
29. Grocery Store Proxy Delhaize Grocery Store Rue Leopold I-straat 295 579 88 1 6.58
30. Grocery Store White Night Grocery Store Avenue Brugmannlaan 359 (Avenue Floréallaan) 565 178 2 3.17
31. Grocery Store Carrefour market Grocery Store Gentsesteenweg 610 Chaussée de Gand 557 206 0 2.7
32. Grocery Store Carrefour express Grocery Store Rue Adolph Buylstraat 2 (Rue Adolph Buylstraat) 554 190 0 2.92
33. Grocery Store Carrefour market Grocery Store Overijsesteenweg 73 553 209 15 2.65
34. Grocery Store Carrefour express Grocery Store Avenue Jules Du Jardinlaan 1 547 54 0 10.13
35. Grocery Store Carrefour express Grocery Store Fuerisonplaats 10 (FUERISONPLAATS) 537 188 3 2.86
36. Grocery Store Picard Grocery Store Avenue Georges Henrilaan 170 525 187 5 2.81
37. Grocery Store Carrefour express Grocery Store Rue du Bailli 60-62 524 194 5 2.7
38. Grocery Store Carrefour express Grocery Store Avenue Rogier 357 (AVENUE ROGIER) 512 70 5 7.31
39. Grocery Store Carrefour express Grocery Store Chaussee de Stockel 302-304 506 130 0 3.89
40. Grocery Store Carrefour express Grocery Store Rue Francois Gay 300 500 138 2 3.62
41. Grocery Store GB Express Grocery Store Avenue Jules Du Jardinlaan 1 491 45 0 10.91
42. Grocery Store Carrefour express Grocery Store Kruidtuinlaan 4A Bd du Jardin Botanique 459 203 1 2.26
43. Grocery Store OKay Compact Grocery Store Hogeschoollaan 16 Av. de l'Université 455 181 5 2.51
44. Grocery Store Carrefour market Grocery Store avenue de l'arbre Ballon 1 448 181 2 2.48
45. Grocery Store White Night Grocery Store Avenue Brugmannlaan 100 (Rue Darwinstraat) 442 167 0 2.65
46. Grocery Store Carrefour express Grocery Store Rue Egide Van Ophem 24 (RUE EGIDE VAN OPHEM) 431 119 1 3.62
47. Grocery Store Carrefour express Grocery Store Chée de Wavre 1408 (Chée de Wavre) 428 101 2 4.24
48. Grocery Store Carrefour express Grocery Store Chaussee De Waterloo 1103 (CHAUSSEE DE WATERLOO) 410 148 1 2.77
49. Grocery Store White Night Grocery Store Place Jourdanplein 45 401 82 0 4.89
50. Grocery Store GB Express Grocery Store Place Madouplein 7 396 102 2 3.88
51. Grocery Store Carrefour express Grocery Store Place Eugene Plasky 88A 391 143 3 2.73
52. Grocery Store Carrefour express Grocery Store Rue Jb Timmermansstraat 52 (Rue JB Timmermansstraat) 390 83 5 4.7
53. Grocery Store Natural Corner Grocery Store Trapstraat 1 Rue de l'Escalier 388 165 7 2.35
54. Grocery Store Louis Delhaize Grocery Store Haachtsesteenweg 1265 Chaussée de Haecht 380 79 1 4.81
55. Grocery Store Stival Mercato Grocery Store Rue Vanderkinderestraat 540 367 105 3 3.5
56. Grocery Store Carrefour market Grocery Store rue Vandevelde 17 350 113 0 3.1
57. Grocery Store Carrefour express Grocery Store Rue Wayez 146 (RUE WAYEZ) 348 50 0 6.96
58. Grocery Store White Night Grocery Store Rue Ernest Allardstraat 34 346 72 0 4.81
59. Grocery Store Chez Franck et Sabine Grocery Store Bld. Émile Bockstaellaan 265 345 35 1 9.86
60. Grocery Store Bio Shanti Grocery Store Avenue Adolphe Buyllaan 70 321 128 7 2.51
61. Grocery Store Carrefour express Grocery Store Place Léopold Wienerplein 2A 309 134 2 2.31
62. Grocery Store Champion (Carrefour Market) Grocery Store Chaussée d'Alsembergsesteenweg 303 304 71 1 4.28
63. Grocery Store Epicerie Saint Hubert Grocery Store Rue Edith Cavellstraat 170 296 85 1 3.48
64. Grocery Store Carrefour market Grocery Store Chaussée de Forest 32 286 80 1 3.58
65. Grocery Store Carrefour express Grocery Store Place Dr. Schweitzerplein 22-24 276 78 1 3.54
66. Grocery Store White Night Grocery Store Vredestraat 18 Rue de la Paix 272 44 1 6.18
67. Grocery Store Carrefour express Grocery Store Boterstraat 27 Rue au Beurre 271 143 16 1.9
68. Grocery Store Carrefour express Grocery Store Avenue Louis De Brouckère 70 (Avenue Louis De Brouckère) 262 66 1 3.97
69. Grocery Store Carrefour express Grocery Store Rue Americaine 80 - 82 (RUE AMERICAINE -) 260 59 1 4.41
70. Grocery Store Carrefour express Grocery Store Avenue De Roodebeek 133 (AVENUE DE ROODEBEEK) 258 65 0 3.97
71. Grocery Store Carrefour express Grocery Store Ch. de St Jobsesteenweg 500 (Ch. de St Jobsesteenweg) 255 108 1 2.36
72. Grocery Store Picard Grocery Store Chaussée de Waterloosesteenweg 670 255 125 1 2.04
73. Grocery Store shop n go Grocery Store Rue D Arlon, 24 (Place Du Luxembourg) 255 14 0 18.21
74. Grocery Store iDe Shop Grocery Store Rue de Pavie 71 (Rue Charles Quint) 254 19 4 13.37
75. Grocery Store Carrefour express Grocery Store Place Dumon 15 232 120 0 1.93
76. Grocery Store Prima Grocery Store Rue van Wambeke 229 13 0 17.62
77. Grocery Store Picard Grocery Store Elsensesteenweg 135 Chaussée d'Ixelles 226 89 2 2.54
78. Grocery Store Deli Traiteur Fort Jaco Grocery Store 225 93 3 2.42
79. Grocery Store Carrefour express Grocery Store Charleroisestwg 87 ( Charleroisestwg) 221 66 1 3.35
80. Grocery Store Louis Delhaize Grocery Store Waversesteenweg 828 Chaussée de Wavre 205 57 3 3.6
81. Grocery Store Tagawa Grocery Store Kerkstraat 98 Rue de l'Eglise (Stockel Square) 200 80 5 2.5
82. Grocery Store White Night Grocery Store Place Flageyplein 25 194 71 0 2.73
83. Grocery Store Chez Le Portugais Grocery Store 192 30 1 6.4
84. Grocery Store Louis Delhaize - Kelle Grocery Store Rue David van Bever, 8 191 42 1 4.55
85. Grocery Store Carrefour express Grocery Store Elsensesteenweg 133 Chaussée d'Ixelles 185 63 2 2.94
86. Grocery Store Carrefour express Grocery Store Rue Jean Paquot 46 (RUE JEAN PAQUOT) 174 61 3 2.85
87. Grocery Store La Maison Cheikh Grocery Store Rue Émile Bouilliot 16 (Rue François Stroobant) 169 32 1 5.28
88. Grocery Store Carrefour express Grocery Store Leuvensesteenweg 522 167 53 1 3.15
89. Grocery Store Carrefour express Grocery Store Place Raymond Blyckaert 1-2 165 66 1 2.5
90. Grocery Store Jin Long Grocery Store Sint-Pietersstraat 59 Rue Saint-Pierre 163 89 4 1.83
91. Grocery Store Epicerie Mr Cambier Grocery Store Rue des Cottages -Landhuisjesstraat (Rue de la mutualité) 161 26 2 6.19
92. Grocery Store Super GB Grocery Store Avenue Daillylaan 243 151 24 3 6.29
93. Grocery Store White Night Grocery Store Vorstlaan 117b Boulevard du Souverain 150 70 1 2.14
94. Grocery Store Ken Chan Japanese Supermarket Grocery Store Rue Kelle 149 38 6 3.92
95. Grocery Store Carrefour express Grocery Store Avenue Daillylaan 116 (Avenue Daillylaan) 145 47 1 3.09
96. Grocery Store Shilla Grocery Store Waversesteenweg 1676 143 73 5 1.96
97. Grocery Store Carrefour express Grocery Store chaussée de Wavre 1658 (chaussée de Wavre) 142 70 0 2.03
98. Grocery Store Tinie's Grocery Store Rue des Cygnes 37 141 39 4 3.62
99. Grocery Store BelgoMarkt Grocery Store Rue de Dublinstraat 19 139 78 0 1.78
100. Grocery Store Galip Fruits Grocery Store Place Verheyleweghen 30 (Chaussée de Roodebeek) 136 43 1 3.16
101. Grocery Store Fort Jaco Store Grocery Store 135 9 0 15.0
102. Grocery Store Label Green Grocery Store Rue Alphonse Renard (Rue Jean-baptiste Colynd) 129 57 3 2.26
103. Grocery Store Banane Bambou Grocery Store Rue Gerard 127 15 0 8.47
104. Grocery Store Trafic Grocery Store rue de Birmingham 112 118 50 0 2.36
105. Grocery Store Carrefour express Grocery Store F. Vekemanstraat 139-141 (F. VEKEMANSTRAAT) 115 43 0 2.67
106. Grocery Store White Night Grocery Store Rue Stevin 166 105 25 0 4.2
107. Grocery Store White Night Grocery Store Chaussée de Waterloosesteenweg 790 104 52 1 2.0
108. Grocery Store Chez Bij Anastasia Grocery Store Bloemenhofplein 104 44 0 2.36
109. Grocery Store Euro Alimentar Grocery Store Chaussée de Forest / Vorstsesteenweg 103 17 1 6.06
110. Grocery Store Mini Louis Delhaize Grocery Store Sint-Pietersplein 26 Place Saint-Pierre 101 33 0 3.06
111. Grocery Store Buibui Du Coin Grocery Store 94 8 0 11.75
112. Grocery Store Has Market Grocery Store 94 20 0 4.7
113. Grocery Store Picard Grocery Store Av. de Hinnisdaellaan 14 94 59 0 1.59
114. Grocery Store Le Panier du Gourmet Grocery Store Avenue Montjoielaan 12 92 28 1 3.29
115. Grocery Store Turka Grocery Store 92 29 2 3.17
116. Grocery Store Superette Joly Frais Grocery Store Keizer Karellaan 113, 1083 Ganshoren 91 10 0 9.1
117. Grocery Store Chez Aicha Grocery Store 90 17 0 5.29
118. Grocery Store Benhur Express Grocery Store Koning Albertlaan 45 Avenue du Roi Albert 89 28 0 3.18
119. Grocery Store Carrefour express Grocery Store Dieweg 130 (DIEWEG) 88 40 2 2.2
120. Grocery Store Carrefour express Grocery Store Chaussee De Charleroi 283 88 36 1 2.44
121. Grocery Store Chez Galip Grocery Store 81 4 0 20.25
122. Grocery Store Carrefour express Grocery Store Rue Du Cloitre 87 (RUE DU CLOITRE) 80 10 0 8.0
123. Grocery Store Carrefour express Grocery Store Bld. de Smet de Naeyer 293 (Bld. de Smet de Naeyer) 75 36 0 2.08
124. Grocery Store Maconal Grocery Store Werkhuizenkaai 22-23 Quai des Usines 72 18 0 4.0
125. Grocery Store Gima Grocery Store Rue Moorsledestraat 237 70 31 1 2.26
126. Grocery Store Maxime Grocery Store Chaussée de Boendael, 595 (Avenue Guillaume Gilbert) 62 12 1 5.17
127. Grocery Store Au Fil Des Saveurs Grocery Store Rue Du Marteau 67 62 15 2 4.13
128. Grocery Store Pappilia Grocery Store 60 16 2 3.75
129. Grocery Store Proxi Delhaize Grocery Store 60 36 1 1.67
130. Grocery Store Carrefour express Grocery Store RUE DOCTEUR HUET 6 (RUE DOCTEUR HUET) 58 31 0 1.87
131. Grocery Store Marius Corner, l'accent gourmand Grocery Store Rue St-Lambertusstraat 200 (Woluwe Shopping Center) 57 36 2 1.58
132. Grocery Store Prima Grocery Store Fratenelle Square 2 57 20 0 2.85
133. Grocery Store Rock En Co BVBA Grocery Store Camille Vandeloockstraat 12 (Camille Vandeloockstraat 12) 55 4 0 13.75
134. Grocery Store Bedo Market Grocery Store 54 11 0 4.91
135. Grocery Store Proxy Delhaize Grocery Store Rue Wayezstraat 97 50 17 0 2.94
136. Grocery Store Carrefour Express Grocery Store Avenue François Sebrechts (Avenue du Chateau) 50 16 0 3.12
137. Grocery Store Express Grocery Store 48 17 0 2.82
138. Grocery Store Pamukkale Grocery Store Avenue heydenberg 94 47 16 1 2.94
139. Grocery Store Oma Sushi Foods Grocery Store Rue de Tervaetestraat 12 47 26 3 1.81
140. Grocery Store Carrefour Express Grocery Store Chaussée de Mons 47 16 0 2.94
141. Grocery Store Welcome Shop Grocery Store 46 1 0 46.0
142. Grocery Store Alimentation Generale Grocery Store Rue des Etangs / Vijverstraat (Rue Gray / Graystraat) 44 5 1 8.8
143. Grocery Store Superette Mediterrannee Grocery Store 44 2 0 22.0
144. Grocery Store Louis Delhaize - Mini Schaarbeek Grocery Store Boulevard Lambermontlaan, 66 43 24 0 1.79
145. Grocery Store Epicerie Mesa Kruidenier Grocery Store Avenue Ducpétiauxlaan 1 42 11 1 3.82
146. Grocery Store Carrefour express Grocery Store Rue Emile Serghijsels 23 (Rue Emile Serghijsels) 41 16 0 2.56
147. Grocery Store Shop'n Go Erasme Grocery Store 41 7 0 5.86
148. Grocery Store Teo Supermarket Grocery Store Chée de Haecht 117 Haachtsestwg 40 9 1 4.44
149. Grocery Store Bio Corner Grocery Store 40 11 0 3.64
150. Grocery Store Carrefour express Grocery Store Boulevard Du Triomphe 166 39 20 1 1.95
151. Grocery Store Daily Market Grocery Store 39 19 0 2.05
152. Grocery Store Vegasme Grocery Store Chaussée de Waterloo 367 39 24 3 1.62
153. Grocery Store Prima Grocery Store Av. Houba De Strooper 122 38 10 1 3.8
154. Grocery Store Ideal Cash and Carry Grocery Store Steenweg op Gent 33 37 18 1 2.06
155. Grocery Store La Courtoisie Grocery Store Rue de la pastorale, 2 36 6 1 6.0
156. Grocery Store Espace Market Grocery Store 34 5 0 6.8
157. Grocery Store Sklep Polski Grocery Store 33 11 0 3.0
158. Grocery Store Chez Marianne Grocery Store Chaussée De Wavre 32 9 0 3.56
159. Grocery Store Carrefour express Grocery Store Chaussée de Louvain 73 (Chaussée de Louvain) 32 20 0 1.6
160. Grocery Store Super Boni Grocery Store Rue Édouard Henrard 5 31 4 1 7.75
161. Grocery Store Express GB Grocery Store Blvd. du Triomphe 155 30 14 1 2.14
162. Grocery Store Le Jardin Libanais Grocery Store Bergensesteenweg 73-77 Chaussée de Mons 30 23 0 1.3
163. Grocery Store Thai Foodstuffs S.P.R.L Grocery Store Rue du Tivoli 15, 1020 City of Brussels 30 10 0 3.0
164. Grocery Store Coccinelle - Polski Market Grocery Store 30 19 0 1.58
165. Grocery Store Delhaize St Pieters Leeuw Grocery Store 29 17 1 1.71
166. Grocery Store Librairie Wilson Grocery Store Rue de Washingtonstraat 63 28 12 1 2.33
167. Grocery Store The turkish shop around the corner Grocery Store 28 6 0 4.67
168. Grocery Store GB Express Centraal Station Grocery Store 27 11 0 2.45
169. Grocery Store Sabores de Portugal Grocery Store Rue de Vergnies, 38 26 5 0 5.2
170. Grocery Store night Shop Dilbeek Grocery Store 26 13 0 2.0
171. Grocery Store Supermarché Chao Chi Fa Grocery Store Sint-Katelijnestraat 12 Rue Sainte-Catherine 25 19 0 1.32
172. Grocery Store Carrefour express Grocery Store Bld Leopold II 68 (BLD LEOPOLD II) 25 19 0 1.32
173. Grocery Store Carrefour express Grocery Store Rue Xavier de bue 64 25 2 0 12.5
174. Grocery Store Épicerie Grocery Store 3 Rue du Collège Saint-Michel / Sint-Michielscollegestraat 3 24 3 0 8.0
175. Grocery Store Verbiststraat Grocery Store 24 11 0 2.18
176. Grocery Store Polsmaak Ciszkowski Grocery Store Chaussée d'Ixelles 311 Elsenesteenweg 24 8 0 3.0
177. Grocery Store Le Panier Campagnard Grocery Store Gentsesteenweg 1224 Chaussée de Gand 23 3 0 7.67
178. Grocery Store Fresh market Grocery Store 22 4 0 5.5
179. Grocery Store Collect Fort Jaco Grocery Store 22 6 0 3.67
180. Grocery Store Alimentation Générale Grocery Store Avenue Brugmannlaan 21 3 0 7.0
181. Grocery Store L'Atelier Bio Grocery Store Chaussée De Drogenbos 75 21 6 1 3.5
182. Grocery Store Make Me Lunch Grocery Store 148, Chaussée d'Alsemberg 20 6 1 3.33
183. Grocery Store Louis Delhaize Grocery Store Joseph Depauwstraat 28 19 11 0 1.73
184. Grocery Store Carrefour express Grocery Store Rue Ravensteinstraat 21A-21B (Rue Ravensteinstraat) 19 15 13 1.27
185. Grocery Store Carfour Grocery Store 18 15 0 1.2
186. Grocery Store Patisserie Boulangerie Grocery Store 18 4 0 4.5
187. Grocery Store Chez Madeleine Grocery Store 2 Rue des Fabriques / Fabrieksstraat 2 17 9 0 1.89
188. Grocery Store Cestino Goloso Grocery Store Rue D'argile 16 17 11 1 1.55
189. Grocery Store ALBI Grocery Store Rue Rogierstraat 237 16 5 0 3.2
190. Grocery Store choisifin Grocery Store Atlantische Oceaanlaan 128, 1150 St-Pieters-Woluwe 16 9 0 1.78
191. Grocery Store Rarytas Grocery Store 16 6 0 2.67
192. Grocery Store Carrefour express Grocery Store Chaussee De Mons 1000 (CHAUSSEE DE MONS) 16 13 5 1.23
193. Grocery Store Kuchnia Polska Grocery Store avenue d'auderghem (chaussee saint pierre) 15 5 0 3.0
194. Grocery Store Asia's Food Grocery Store 1465, chaussée de Wavre 14 11 1 1.27
195. Grocery Store Kanta Archiducs Grocery Store Avenue Des Archiducs 14 9 0 1.56
196. Grocery Store Gel Tov Grocery Store 14 6 1 2.33
197. Grocery Store Roda Market Grocery Store Baksteenkaai 46 Quai aux Briques 14 3 0 4.67
198. Grocery Store Chez Mohammed Grocery Store 13 5 1 2.6
199. Grocery Store Oxfam Wereldwinkel / Oxfam Magasins du Monde Grocery Store Elsensesteenweg 77 Chaussée d'Ixelles 13 4 1 3.25
200. Grocery Store Delhaize Shop’n Go Grocery Store Ninoofsesteenweg 1024 Chaussée de Ninove 13 4 0 3.25
201. Grocery Store Origin'o Tomberg Grocery Store Tomberg 13 7 0 1.86
202. Grocery Store chez le paki Grocery Store 13 1 0 13.0
203. Grocery Store Le Jardin Derache Grocery Store 12 3 0 4.0
204. Grocery Store Kenedi Market Grocery Store chaussee de louvain 134 12 6 1 2.0
205. Grocery Store Alimentation Generale Duchesse Grocery Store 12 4 0 3.0
206. Grocery Store Exotic Fruit Grocery Store Rue Barastraat 210 11 5 0 2.2
207. Grocery Store épicerie turque Grocery Store 10, Rue des Bogards 11 3 0 3.67
208. Grocery Store Le Petit Marché Grocery Store Dokter Dejaselaan 15 11 2 0 5.5
209. Grocery Store Avrasya Grocery Store 11 2 0 5.5
210. Grocery Store Supermarkt K-Y Grocery Store 11 7 1 1.57
211. Grocery Store GB express Ma Campagne Grocery Store 10 2 0 5.0
212. Grocery Store Alimentation generale Grocery Store Chaussée De Innove 313 10 4 0 2.5
213. Grocery Store Carrefour express Grocery Store Avenue Du Chateau 63 (AVENUE DU CHATEAU) 10 6 0 1.67
214. Grocery Store Proxy Delhaize Grocery Store 10 5 0 2.0
215. Grocery Store Mini Supermarket Grocery Store Chaussée de Charleroisesteenweg 246 9 4 0 2.25
216. Grocery Store Haruchan Grocery Store 9 8 1 1.12
217. Grocery Store GD Supermarket Grocery Store 9 7 0 1.29
218. Grocery Store ALDI Grocery Store 9 7 0 1.29
219. Grocery Store Family Toptan Market Grocery Store Rue Masui 9 8 0 1.12
220. Grocery Store Carrefour express Grocery Store rue Saint-Guidon 74 Sint-Guido straat 9 6 0 1.5
221. Grocery Store Daily express Grocery Store 9 8 0 1.12
222. Grocery Store Marche Marjane Grocery Store 9 3 0 3.0
223. Grocery Store Pakistan Food Store Grocery Store 8 7 0 1.14
224. Grocery Store Saveurs du Portugal Grocery Store Ridder Koninglaan 29 Avenue du Roi Chevalier 8 6 1 1.33
225. Grocery Store Carrefour express Grocery Store Bld Leopold III - Zone Commer. 7 4 0 1.75
226. Grocery Store Rashpal Grocery Store Avenue des Bouleaux 2 7 4 0 1.75
227. Grocery Store Mini Market Grocery Store Hertogin van Brabantplaats 2–8 7 7 0 1.0
228. Grocery Store Madammeke Grocery Store 7 2 0 3.5
229. Grocery Store Convenience Shop Grocery Store 7 3 0 2.33
230. Grocery Store Delhaize Grocery Store Zennestraat 7 6 0 1.17
231. Grocery Store Berquin Grocery Store Rue de la paix 7 2 0 3.5
232. Grocery Store Epicerie des Patriotes Grocery Store 7 3 0 2.33
233. Grocery Store Polski Sklep KUBUS Grocery Store 7 3 0 2.33
234. Grocery Store Carrefour Express Grocery Store Square Jean-Baptiste De Greef 8 7 2 0 3.5
235. Grocery Store Oxfam Solidariteit / Solidarité Grocery Store Waversesteenweg 295 Chaussée de Wavre 6 5 0 1.2
236. Grocery Store Prima Grocery Store Ch. D'Helmet 222 6 6 0 1.0
237. Grocery Store Chez Ali Grocery Store 6 2 0 3.0
238. Grocery Store BioV Grocery Store 6 4 0 1.5
239. Grocery Store Carrefour market Grocery Store Av. Charles Quint 33-35 6 4 13 1.5
240. Grocery Store carrefour express diegem Grocery Store 6 5 0 1.2
241. Grocery Store Alimentation Générale Grocery Store Rue du Collège 180 6 2 0 3.0
242. Grocery Store Balraj Grocery Store 6 4 0 1.5
243. Grocery Store Podlasiak Grocery Store 2 Rue de l'Egalité / Gelijkheidstraat 2 5 4 0 1.25
244. Grocery Store Alimentation Générale Grocery Store Notelaarsstraat (Milcampslaan) 5 2 0 2.5
245. Grocery Store Vdm Overseas Grocery Store 5 3 2 1.67
246. Grocery Store Cash & Carry Grocery Store Rue Joseph Hazardstraat 1 5 4 0 1.25
247. Grocery Store Alimentar Grocery Store 5 5 0 1.0
248. Grocery Store Centra Grocery Store 5 1 0 5.0
249. Grocery Store Polsmaak Ciszkowski Grocery Store Rue Léopold I, 450, Leopold I-straat 5 3 1 1.67
250. Grocery Store Chez Boussi Fruits Et Legumes Grocery Store 5 1 0 5.0
251. Grocery Store Asian supermarket Grocery Store stationsstraat 85 5 5 0 1.0
252. Grocery Store Fruit Et Lugumes Grocery Store 5 4 0 1.25
253. Grocery Store Pamukkale Grocery Store 5 4 0 1.25
254. Grocery Store White Night Grocery Store 5 5 0 1.0
255. Grocery Store Freshmed Grocery Store rue de l'Escadron 5 4 2 1.25
256. Grocery Store Market Store Grocery Store Rue roosendael 156 5 1 0 5.0