Venue | Total check-ins | Total users | Tips | Check-ins per user | |
1. | Proximus Towers Office Albert II-laan 27 Boulevard Albert II | 39982 | 3695 | 29 | 10.82 |
2. | Deloitte Office Berkenlaan 8 | 29640 | 1561 | 4 | 18.99 |
3. | ING Belgium Office Sint-Michielswarande 60 Cours Saint-Michel (Rue de la Gare / Stationstraat) | 28420 | 1800 | 15 | 15.79 |
4. | Orange Belgium (Orange België) Office Avenue du Bourgetlaan 3 | 24309 | 1472 | 7 | 16.51 |
5. | Rogier Tower Office Rogierplein 11 | 21032 | 1721 | 9 | 12.22 |
6. | AG Insurance Office Bld. Émile Jacqmainlaan 53 | 20101 | 923 | 0 | 21.78 |
7. | BNP Paribas Fortis Boreal Building Office Rue du Progrès 55 Vooruitgangstraat | 18237 | 1218 | 3 | 14.97 |
8. | Ernst & Young Office De Kleetlaan 2 | 16150 | 1238 | 2 | 13.05 |
9. | Emakina Office 64a Rue Middelbourg / Middelburgstraat 64a | 16112 | 753 | 5 | 21.4 |
10. | Microsoft Office Leonardo Da Vincilaan 3 | 14079 | 2286 | 9 | 6.16 |
11. | TUI Office Leopoldlaan (BRU Airport) | 14056 | 1157 | 0 | 12.15 |
12. | Coca-Cola Belgium Office Bergensesteenweg 1424 | 13274 | 2049 | 4 | 6.48 |
13. | BNP Paribas Fortis Office Broekstraat 30 Rue du Marais | 12735 | 704 | 3 | 18.09 |
14. | bpost MCM Office Munt | 12289 | 779 | 2 | 15.78 |
15. | KPMG Office Avenue du Bourgetlaan 40 | 11796 | 671 | 0 | 17.58 |
16. | Delhaize HQ Office Rue Osseghemstraat 53 | 11431 | 771 | 1 | 14.83 |
17. | AXA Belgium Headquarter Office Vorstlaan 23-25 Boulevard du Souverain | 11336 | 964 | 10 | 11.76 |
18. | Havas Media Belgium Office 60 Rue du Trône / Troonstraat 60 | 10929 | 346 | 5 | 31.59 |
19. | Telenet Group Office Rue Neerveldstraat 105 | 10896 | 699 | 4 | 15.59 |
20. | BBDO Belgium Office Scheldestraat 122 | 10704 | 685 | 16 | 15.63 |
21. | Hendrik Consciencegebouw Office Koning Albert II-laan 15 | 10575 | 1867 | 2 | 5.66 |
22. | Cisco Systems Brussels Office De Kleetlaan 6A | 10314 | 704 | 9 | 14.65 |
23. | Euroclear Office Koning Albert II laan 1 Bld Roi Albert II | 9497 | 555 | 1 | 17.11 |
24. | Sanoma Media Belgium Office Stationsstraat 55 | 9100 | 1069 | 1 | 8.51 |
25. | Koninklijke Belgische Voetbalbond / L'Union Royale Belge des Sociétés de Football Association Office Avenue Houba de Strooperlaan 145 | 8897 | 1705 | 1 | 5.22 |
26. | Betacowork Coworking Space Witte Patersstraat 4 Rue des Pères Blancs | 8835 | 867 | 25 | 10.19 |
27. | NMBS / SNCB Office Hallepoortlaan 40 Avenue de la Porte de Hal | 8677 | 1010 | 2 | 8.59 |
28. | ExxonMobil Regional Office Brussels Office Hermeslaan 2 | 8632 | 293 | 0 | 29.46 |
29. | Hewlett Packard Enterprise Office Hermeslaan 1A | 8506 | 707 | 1 | 12.03 |
30. | L'Oréal Office Keizer Karellaan 584 Avenue Charles Quint | 8430 | 1269 | 7 | 6.64 |
31. | PwC HQ Office Woluwedal 18 | 8377 | 977 | 0 | 8.57 |
32. | P&G Brussels Innovation Center Office Temselaan 100 | 8258 | 830 | 0 | 9.95 |
33. | TBWA \ Brussels Coworking Space Kroonlaan 165 Avenue de la Couronne | 8243 | 630 | 7 | 13.08 |
34. | Capgemini Belgium Office Bessenveldstraat 19 | 8054 | 419 | 4 | 19.22 |
35. | Proximus Net Center Office Rue Carli Straat, 2 | 8025 | 979 | 3 | 8.2 |
36. | B.House Brussels Airlines Office Airport Building 26 | 8019 | 759 | 0 | 10.57 |
37. | ENGIE Tower Office Boulevard Simon Bolivarlaan 34 | 7989 | 998 | 1 | 8.01 |
38. | Havas Brussels Office Rue des Boiteux 9 / Kreupelenstraat 9 | 7941 | 328 | 4 | 24.21 |
39. | Brasserie M Corporate Cafeteria Medialaan 1 | 7844 | 860 | 5 | 9.12 |
40. | Accenture Office Boulevard de Waterloolaan 16 | 7833 | 626 | 5 | 12.51 |
41. | Toyota Motor Europe NV/SA Office Avenue du Bourget 60 | 7714 | 576 | 2 | 13.39 |
42. | Brussels Airlines Office Nieuwe Zaventemsestwg 26 | 7350 | 1727 | 2 | 4.26 |
43. | Buro & Design Center Office Heizel Esplanade bus 1 / Esplanade du Heysel boîte 1 | 7342 | 982 | 8 | 7.48 |
44. | Ogilvy & Social Lab Office Kantersteen 47 Cantersteen | 7036 | 362 | 1 | 19.44 |
45. | Mercedes-Benz Belgium Luxembourg Office Tollaan 68 | 6940 | 1292 | 4 | 5.37 |
46. | VRT NWS Office Auguste Reyerslaan 52 | 6922 | 421 | 0 | 16.44 |
47. | Edenred Belgium Coworking Space Boulevard du Souverain 165 boite 9 / Vorstlaan 165 bus 9 (Chaussée de Wavre) | 6821 | 148 | 4 | 46.09 |
48. | Worldline NV Office Haachtsesteenweg 1442 Chaussee de Haecht | 6648 | 439 | 3 | 15.14 |
49. | BNP Paribas Fortis Chancellerie Building Office Warandeberg 8 Montagne du Parc | 6648 | 852 | 6 | 7.8 |
50. | Square Melon Office Schaarbeeklei 647 | 6619 | 559 | 7 | 11.84 |
51. | Carrefour Headquarters Office Avenue Des Olympiades | 6540 | 604 | 1 | 10.83 |
52. | Eurocontrol HQ Office Raketstraat 96 Rue de la Fusée | 6511 | 511 | 5 | 12.74 |
53. | TUC Rail - Infrabel I-ICT Office Tweestationsstraat 82 Rue des Deux-Gares (Bara) | 6468 | 399 | 6 | 16.21 |
54. | Groupe Multimédia IPM S.A. Office Frankenstraat 79 Rue des Francs | 6382 | 330 | 5 | 19.34 |
55. | Mortierbrigade Office Waelhemstraat 77 | 6319 | 262 | 4 | 24.12 |
56. | Proximus Paille / Stro Building Office Rue Lebeaustraat 2 | 6288 | 356 | 2 | 17.66 |
57. | STIB-MIVB Office Koloniënstraat 62 Rue des Colonies | 6242 | 665 | 1 | 9.39 |
58. | Allianz Office Rue de Laeken 35 | 6071 | 309 | 1 | 19.65 |
59. | Touring Office Wetstraat 44 Rue de la Loi | 6010 | 350 | 2 | 17.17 |
60. | Eni Office Medialaan 34 | 5895 | 244 | 2 | 24.16 |
61. | DigitasLBi Brussels Office Clos Lucien Outers / Lucien Outersgaarde 11-20 | 5810 | 208 | 8 | 27.93 |
62. | Smals Office Avenue Fonsnylaan 20 | 5796 | 312 | 2 | 18.58 |
63. | IBM Belgium (BLS) Office Bourgetlaan 42 | 5748 | 601 | 5 | 9.56 |
64. | WTC II Office Koning Albert II laan 28 Boulevard Roi Albert II (Boulevard Simon Bolivarlaan) | 5709 | 878 | 1 | 6.5 |
65. | Publicis Brussels Office Antwerpselaan 40 | 5625 | 352 | 0 | 15.98 |
66. | Seed Factory - Edouard Cambier Coworking Space Vrijwilligerslaan 19 Avenue des Volontaires (Chaussée de Wavre) | 5597 | 447 | 7 | 12.52 |
67. | Proximus Paviljoen / Pavillon Office Belgacom Towers (Koning Albert II-laan 27 Boulevard Roi Albert II) | 5592 | 390 | 0 | 14.34 |
68. | Test-Aankoop / Test-Achats Office 13 Rue de Hollande / Hollandstraat 13 | 5556 | 279 | 3 | 19.91 |
69. | Roularta Media Group Office Z.1 Researchpark 120 | 5545 | 858 | 1 | 6.46 |
70. | Fluxys Office 31 Avenue des Arts / Kunstlaan 31 | 5530 | 323 | 1 | 17.12 |
71. | Isobar Office 55 Rue du Moulin à Papier / Papiermolenstraat 55 | 5511 | 173 | 4 | 31.86 |
72. | Unilever Office Humaniteitslaan 292 | 5479 | 638 | 3 | 8.59 |
73. | CM | Christelijke Mutualiteit Office Haachtsesteenweg 1805 Chaussée de Haecht | 5394 | 261 | 0 | 20.67 |
74. | Hangar 41 - Brussels Airlines Office Leopoldlaan (BRU Airport) | 5338 | 281 | 0 | 19.0 |
75. | Infrabel HQ Office Rue de France 85 | 5158 | 362 | 0 | 14.25 |
76. | Social Lab Office Cantersteen 47 | 5055 | 231 | 1 | 21.88 |
77. | BNP Paribas Fortis Office Manhattan Center (Bolwerklaan 21 Avenue du Boulevard) | 5033 | 458 | 5 | 10.99 |
78. | TNT Office Kon. Astridlaan | 5024 | 306 | 1 | 16.42 |
79. | Hello Agency Office 55 Rue de Woluwe-Saint-Etienne / Sint Stevens Woluwestraat 55 | 4961 | 159 | 1 | 31.2 |
80. | Samsung Electronics Belgium Office Vuurberg 31 | 4925 | 572 | 2 | 8.61 |
81. | BNP Paribas Fortis Botanic Building Office Sint-Lazaruslaan 10 Boulevard Saint-Lazare | 4895 | 435 | 2 | 11.25 |
82. | Toyota Motor Europe Technical Centre Office Hoge Wei 33 | 4891 | 379 | 3 | 12.91 |
83. | Securitas Belgium Office Sint-Lendriksborre 3 Font Saint-Landry | 4879 | 787 | 2 | 6.2 |
84. | Hi-Media Belgium Office 19 Avenue des Volontaires / Vrijwilligerslaan 19 | 4872 | 127 | 2 | 38.36 |
85. | Sibelga Office Werkhuizenkaai 16 Quai des Usines | 4821 | 414 | 2 | 11.64 |
86. | Pepsico Int Office Da Vincilaan 3 | 4701 | 245 | 0 | 19.19 |
87. | Deloitte Gateway Office Luchthaven Nationaal 1 J | 4690 | 462 | 2 | 10.15 |
88. | DDB° Brussels Coworking Space 17 Rue Saint-Hubert / Sint-Huibrechtsstraat 17 | 4666 | 376 | 2 | 12.41 |
89. | BICS Office Rue Lebeaustraat 4 | 4653 | 179 | 2 | 25.99 |
90. | Mission-Systole Coworking Space Place de l'Almaplein 3 | 4634 | 49 | 2 | 94.57 |
91. | Google Brussels Office Chaussée d'Etterbeeksesteenweg 180 | 4584 | 2135 | 10 | 2.15 |
92. | Christelijke Mutualiteiten / Mutualités Chrétiennes HQ Office Haachtsesteenweg 579 Chée de Haecht (CM) | 4529 | 411 | 1 | 11.02 |
93. | KBC Bank NV - Bruhav12 Office Havenlaan 12 | 4520 | 295 | 2 | 15.32 |
94. | MEC Office Rue Jules Cockxstraat 8 | 4458 | 159 | 3 | 28.04 |
95. | RMB Office 133 Rue Colonel Bourg / Kolonel Bourgstraat 133 | 4449 | 218 | 8 | 20.41 |
96. | Sony Office Leonardo Da Vincilaan 7- D1 | 4420 | 479 | 4 | 9.23 |
97. | EDF-Luminus Office Rue de Marquis / Markiesstraat 1 | 4408 | 329 | 0 | 13.4 |
98. | Proximedia Office Boulevard de l'Humanité 237 Humaniteitslaan | 4398 | 182 | 0 | 24.16 |
99. | Record Bank HQ Office Av. H. Matisse, 16 | 4396 | 301 | 4 | 14.6 |
100. | VTM Nieuwsdienst Office VMMa (Medialaan 1) | 4200 | 410 | 0 | 10.24 |
101. | in2com Office Woluwelaan 158 | 4173 | 149 | 3 | 28.01 |
102. | NN Insurance Belgium Office Leonardo Da Vincilaan 19 | 4082 | 129 | 2 | 31.64 |
103. | UCB HQ Office Researchdreef 60 Allée de la Recherche (Route de Lennik - Lennikse Baan) | 4058 | 354 | 2 | 11.46 |
104. | DHL Express Belgium Office Woluwelaan 151 | 4045 | 524 | 0 | 7.72 |
105. | B Logistics Office Koning Albert-II Laan 37 | 4039 | 131 | 1 | 30.83 |
106. | Stibbe Office Loksumstraat 25 | 3969 | 300 | 4 | 13.23 |
107. | Bridgestone HQ Office Kleine Kloosterstraat 10 | 3955 | 265 | 0 | 14.92 |
108. | Space Media Agency Office Rue Tedescolaan 41 | 3954 | 186 | 0 | 21.26 |
109. | Atos Office Da Vincilaan 5 | 3911 | 238 | 1 | 16.43 |
110. | Ergo Office Boulevard Bischoffsheimlaan 8 | 3906 | 261 | 1 | 14.97 |
111. | BistrO Corporate Cafeteria Mobistar (Avenue du Bourgetlaan 3) | 3901 | 201 | 7 | 19.41 |
112. | Mindshare Office Rue Jules Cockxstraat 8-10 | 3897 | 192 | 1 | 20.3 |
113. | Avnet Office | 3871 | 98 | 0 | 39.5 |
114. | CO.STATION Coworking Space 5 Place Sainte Gudule | 3859 | 707 | 3 | 5.46 |
115. | BNY Mellon Office Rue Montoyerstraat 46 | 3854 | 145 | 1 | 26.58 |
116. | StepStone Office Koningsstraat 47 Rue Royale | 3818 | 139 | 6 | 27.47 |
117. | Belga News Agency Office Rue Frédéric Pelletierstraat 8B | 3814 | 140 | 1 | 27.24 |
118. | Zenithoptimedia Belgium Coworking Space 1-3 Rue Picard | 3810 | 203 | 4 | 18.77 |
119. | Ypto Office Rue des Deux Gares 80 Tweestationsstraat | 3781 | 184 | 0 | 20.55 |
120. | Arval Office Ikaroslaan 99 | 3755 | 191 | 0 | 19.66 |
121. | Vlan Office Avenue Léon Grosjeanlaan 92 | 3735 | 167 | 2 | 22.37 |
122. | Vander Haeghen & Co Office Avenue des Nerviens 85 bte2 / Nerviërslaan 85 bus 2 | 3675 | 34 | 0 | 108.09 |
123. | Delta Lloyd Life Office Avenue Fonsnylaan 38 | 3649 | 241 | 0 | 15.14 |
124. | Cleverwood Office Rue Neerveld 109/2 (Avenue Marcel Thiry) | 3648 | 151 | 2 | 24.16 |
125. | Rossel Advertising Office Koningsstraat 100 Rue Royale | 3626 | 122 | 2 | 29.72 |
126. | ICAB Business & Technology Incubator Tech Startup Witte Patersstraat 4 rue des Peres Blancs | 3617 | 652 | 8 | 5.55 |
127. | Kind en Gezin Office Hallepoortlaan 27 | 3594 | 511 | 2 | 7.03 |
128. | Oracle Belgium Office Medialaan 50 | 3588 | 417 | 1 | 8.6 |
129. | DKV Belgium Office Bischoffsheimlaan 1-8 | 3553 | 218 | 2 | 16.3 |
130. | AstraZeneca HQ Office | 3547 | 110 | 0 | 32.25 |
131. | Railway Operations Center Office Frankrijkstraat 85 | 3515 | 145 | 1 | 24.24 |
132. | Canon Belgium Office Berkenlaan 3 | 3481 | 255 | 0 | 13.65 |
133. | Sogeti NV/SA Coworking Space Av. Jules Bordet 160 | 3461 | 213 | 5 | 16.25 |
134. | Restaurant ING CSM Corporate Cafeteria ING (Sint-Michielswarande 60 Cours Saint-Michel) | 3441 | 231 | 1 | 14.9 |
135. | Johnson&Johnson HQ Office leonardo davincilaan 15 | 3419 | 296 | 0 | 11.55 |
136. | DVZ / OE | Dienst Vreemdelingenzaken / Office des Etrangers (DVZ | Dienst Vreemdelingenzaken) Office WTC 2 (Koning Albert II laan 30 Boulevard Roi Albert II) | 3403 | 262 | 1 | 12.99 |
137. | IKEA Service Office Belgium Office Weiveldlaan 19 | 3401 | 299 | 1 | 11.37 |
138. | Sporza Office Auguste Reyerslaan 52 | 3400 | 269 | 1 | 12.64 |
139. | VOO Office Chaussée de Louvain 656 | 3397 | 142 | 0 | 23.92 |
140. | G4S Office Koning Boudewijnlaan 30 | 3385 | 644 | 2 | 5.26 |
141. | LeasePlan Office Excelsiorlaan 8 | 3372 | 173 | 0 | 19.49 |
142. | Generali Office Avenue Louise 149 | 3366 | 386 | 2 | 8.72 |
143. | UNMS - NVSM Office Rue Saint Jean - Sint-Janstraat, 32-38 (Place Saint Jean - Sint-Jansplein) | 3365 | 174 | 1 | 19.34 |
144. | OMD Office Rue Charles Lemairestraat 1 | 3364 | 147 | 3 | 22.88 |
145. | STATER Office rue de la chancellerie (rue de la chancellerie) | 3363 | 87 | 0 | 38.66 |
146. | NMBS Office Frankrijkstraat 52-56 Rue de France | 3333 | 644 | 2 | 5.18 |
147. | FedEx EMEA HQ - Melsbroek Office Airport Building 119 | 3327 | 250 | 0 | 13.31 |
148. | Synapsis-Group Coworking Space 271 Avenue Louise / Louizalaan 271 | 3271 | 37 | 0 | 88.41 |
149. | Air Brussels Office Tweestationsstraat 122 Rue des Deux Gares | 3242 | 254 | 1 | 12.76 |
150. | Schneider Electric Uccle Coworking Space Dieweg 3 | 3236 | 175 | 0 | 18.49 |
151. | CD&V Office Wetstraat 89 | 3225 | 286 | 3 | 11.28 |
152. | Brussels Media Centre Office Raketstraat 50 Rue de la Fusée | 3190 | 442 | 2 | 7.22 |
153. | ACV-CSC Office Haachtsesteenweg 579 | 3188 | 178 | 0 | 17.91 |
154. | Semetis - Digital Advertising & Business Intelligence Agency Tech Startup Paleizenstraat 44 Rue des Palais | 3150 | 156 | 4 | 20.19 |
155. | Siège national du MR Office 84-86 Avenue de la Toison d'Or / Guldenvlieslaan 84-86 | 3148 | 336 | 5 | 9.37 |
156. | Partena HR Office Kartuizerstraat 45 Rue des Chartreux | 3108 | 206 | 0 | 15.09 |
157. | Nestlé Belgilux Office Rue de Birmingham 221 | 3069 | 472 | 0 | 6.5 |
158. | SABAM Office Aarlenstraat 75-77 Rue d'Arlon | 3067 | 261 | 1 | 11.75 |
159. | Philips HQ Office Tweestationsstraat 80 | 3064 | 372 | 0 | 8.24 |
160. | Crelan Office Bld. Sylvain Dupuislaan 251 | 3062 | 219 | 3 | 13.98 |
161. | TUC Rail NV / SA Office Avenue Fonsnylaan 39 | 3059 | 202 | 2 | 15.14 |
162. | Monsters'Lab Tech Startup Clos Chapelle-aux-Champs 30 | 3047 | 15 | 3 | 203.13 |
163. | 3SI Office Leuvensesteenweg 540 | 3043 | 47 | 0 | 64.74 |
164. | BNP Paribas Fortis Central Plaza Building Office Loksumstraat 25 Rue de Loxum | 3031 | 431 | 2 | 7.03 |
165. | Solvay - campus Brussels Office Rue de Ransbeek 310 | 3027 | 423 | 0 | 7.16 |
166. | BNP Paribas Fortis Office Warandeberg 3 Montagne du Parc | 3016 | 414 | 2 | 7.29 |
167. | Fujitsu Technology Solutions Office Marie Curiesquare | 3006 | 180 | 1 | 16.7 |
168. | Delhaize Group Office Square Marie Curiesquare 40 | 2997 | 259 | 4 | 11.57 |
169. | AlphaCredit Office Rue Ravensteinstraat 60 | 2972 | 129 | 0 | 23.04 |
170. | Mars Belgium Office Kloosterstraat 8 | 2961 | 260 | 0 | 11.39 |
171. | St. Jude Medical EDC Office Brucargo 831 | 2937 | 84 | 0 | 34.96 |
172. | R65 Business Center Coworking Space Researchdreef 65 Allée De La Recherche | 2919 | 138 | 5 | 21.15 |
173. | Groen HQ Office Sergeant De Bruynestraat 78-82 | 2913 | 142 | 1 | 20.51 |
174. | Thomas Cook Airlines Belgium Office Brussels Airport (BRU) (Building 53) | 2865 | 201 | 4 | 14.25 |
175. | Personeelsrestaurant UZ Brussel Corporate Cafeteria Laarbeeklaan 101 | 2859 | 352 | 0 | 8.12 |
176. | Sky Bar ING Corporate Coffee Shop Sint-Michielswarande 60 Cours Saint-Michel | 2840 | 301 | 10 | 9.44 |
177. | Universal Music Belgium Office | 2819 | 217 | 2 | 12.99 |
178. | Idweaver Tech Startup Drève Richelle 159 Special | 2816 | 91 | 3 | 30.95 |
179. | Ricoh Belgium Office Medialaan 28 | 2815 | 201 | 5 | 14.0 |
180. | IPG Group Office Bld Pacheco 34 / Pachecolaan 34 | 2789 | 207 | 1 | 13.47 |
181. | Porter Novelli Brussels Coworking Space Mettewielaan 272 (Schoneslaapsterstraat) | 2781 | 105 | 2 | 26.49 |
182. | Wallonie Bruxelles Tourisme Office Rue St-Bernardusstraat 30 | 2729 | 115 | 3 | 23.73 |
183. | SAP Belgium Office Office Olympiadelaan 2 | 2728 | 433 | 5 | 6.3 |
184. | So.Space Tech Startup Avenue Tedescolaan 41 | 2724 | 126 | 0 | 21.62 |
185. | Mvillage Coworking Space | 2717 | 203 | 3 | 13.38 |
186. | GS1 Belgium & Luxembourg Office Koningsstraat 76 b1 | 2712 | 97 | 1 | 27.96 |
187. | Pfizer Office Pleinlaan 17 Boulevard de la Plaine | 2698 | 246 | 0 | 10.97 |
188. | VVSG Office Paviljoenstraat 9 | 2682 | 262 | 0 | 10.24 |
189. | International Post Corporation Office Av. du Bourgetlaan 44 | 2674 | 87 | 3 | 30.74 |
190. | Belfius Office Galileilaan 5 | 2648 | 296 | 1 | 8.95 |
191. | Group VHC Office Brusselsesteenweg 430 | 2644 | 42 | 0 | 62.95 |
192. | Radionomy Tech Startup Boulevard Internationalelaan 55 | 2630 | 77 | 3 | 34.16 |
193. | Ciné Télé Revue Office 101, Avenue Reine Marie-Henriette | 2630 | 88 | 2 | 29.89 |
194. | Product Management Office VOO | 2626 | 17 | 0 | 154.47 |
195. | Danone Office Rue Jules Cockxstraat 6 | 2613 | 275 | 2 | 9.5 |
196. | Brucargo Building 706 Office | 2601 | 347 | 0 | 7.5 |
197. | ABSI Office Humaniteitslaan 224 | 2579 | 70 | 0 | 36.84 |
198. | SWIFT - Solvay Tech Startup Avenue Ernest Solvay | 2556 | 135 | 2 | 18.93 |
199. | KBC BRUhav6 Office Havenlaan 6 | 2554 | 228 | 0 | 11.2 |
200. | Dimension Data Belgium Office Raketstraat 66 | 2551 | 163 | 2 | 15.65 |
201. | Allianz Global Assistance Office Zwaluwenstraat 2 | 2549 | 95 | 0 | 26.83 |
202. | Belga News Agency Office Arduinkaai 29 Quai aux Pierres de Taille | 2547 | 170 | 1 | 14.98 |
203. | The Corporate Village Office Avenue Leonardo Da Vincilaan | 2546 | 425 | 1 | 5.99 |
204. | The Crescent Office | 2523 | 331 | 0 | 7.62 |
205. | d-side group Office Avenue Léonard Mommaertslaan 24 | 2504 | 140 | 0 | 17.89 |
206. | U2U Office Zone 1 Research Park 110 | 2501 | 312 | 4 | 8.02 |
207. | Isabel Office Putterij 22 | 2492 | 151 | 1 | 16.5 |
208. | Bisnode Office Researchdreef 65 Allée de la Recherche | 2489 | 188 | 2 | 13.24 |
209. | European External Action Service Office Rue de la Loi 242 Wetstraat | 2487 | 575 | 2 | 4.33 |
210. | Securex Cours Saint Michel Office | 2482 | 269 | 0 | 9.23 |
211. | Newsmonkey Office Schapenbaan 24 | 2460 | 85 | 0 | 28.94 |
212. | Elia Office Keizerslaan 20 | 2451 | 261 | 0 | 9.39 |
213. | Click+ Office Boulevard de l'Humanité 237 Humaniteitslaan | 2444 | 60 | 0 | 40.73 |
214. | Bastion Tower Coworking Space Place du Champ de Mars 5 Marsveldplein | 2442 | 628 | 3 | 3.89 |
215. | Recruitment Solutions Office av Louise 523 louizalaan | 2434 | 54 | 1 | 45.07 |
216. | Godiva Europe HQ Office Wapenstilstandstraat 5 | 2414 | 256 | 2 | 9.43 |
217. | CGI Office Leonardo Da Vincilaan 19 | 2412 | 94 | 0 | 25.66 |
218. | BDO Office Da Vincilaan 9 - Box E.6 - Elsinore Building | 2409 | 169 | 0 | 14.25 |
219. | Emixis Office Rue Du Bassin Collecteur 3 | 2402 | 45 | 1 | 53.38 |
220. | Disney HQ Brussels Office Tour & Taxis (Havenlaan 86c Avenue du Port) | 2391 | 225 | 1 | 10.63 |
221. | KBC Securities Office Av. du Port 12 Havenlaan | 2391 | 164 | 1 | 14.58 |
222. | Dentsu Aegis Network Office Papiermolenstraat 55 | 2390 | 228 | 1 | 10.48 |
223. | Thomas Cook Airlines Belgium - Building 45 Office Brussels National Airport - Ringlaan 1 | 2378 | 116 | 0 | 20.5 |
224. | Uniway - SII Belgium Office Lenneke Marelaan, 12 | 2360 | 60 | 1 | 39.33 |
225. | Mediabrands Digital Office | 2360 | 150 | 1 | 15.73 |
226. | Blue Tower Office 326 Avenue Louise / Louizalaan 326 | 2341 | 507 | 1 | 4.62 |
227. | JCDecaux Office Groendreef 50 Allée Verte | 2335 | 251 | 4 | 9.3 |
228. | Econocom Office Leuvensesteenweg 510 | 2334 | 208 | 3 | 11.22 |
229. | Serviceplan Benelux Office Bovenberg 124 | 2315 | 149 | 0 | 15.54 |
230. | Groupon HQ Belgium Office Boulevard Emile Jacqmainlaan 135 | 2305 | 105 | 1 | 21.95 |
231. | Demonstr8 Office Havenlaan 86c | 2292 | 258 | 0 | 8.88 |
232. | Volvo Group Headquarters Brussels Office Hunderenveldlaan 10 | 2290 | 462 | 2 | 4.96 |
233. | Bestuurdersdepot / Dépot Conducteurs Office Avenue Fonsnylaan 47B (Brussels-South Railway Station) | 2269 | 301 | 1 | 7.54 |
234. | Elia Office Vilvoordselaan 126 | 2265 | 290 | 0 | 7.81 |
235. | Web Department @Edenred Coworking Space Avenue Hermann-Debroux 54/b5 | 2259 | 22 | 0 | 102.68 |
236. | CSC Belgium Office Corporate Village (Leonardo Da Vincilaan 3) | 2246 | 180 | 1 | 12.48 |
237. | TCS Digital World Office Place de la Minoterie 10 | 2230 | 71 | 1 | 31.41 |
238. | DHL EUHQ Office De Kleetlaan 1 | 2218 | 154 | 1 | 14.4 |
239. | Best of Publishing Coworking Space Belvederestraat 28 (Alphonse Dewittestraat) | 2205 | 47 | 2 | 46.91 |
240. | SAS Institute BeLux Office Hertenbergstraat 6 | 2192 | 134 | 1 | 16.36 |
241. | Nespresso Corner @ Mobiclub Corporate Coffee Shop Mobiclub | 2182 | 131 | 0 | 16.66 |
242. | Wolters Kluwer Transport Services Office Belgicastraat 17 | 2179 | 63 | 2 | 34.59 |
243. | The Crew Office Cantersteen 47 | 2173 | 48 | 2 | 45.27 |
244. | Multiburo Brussels Airport Coworking meeting room serviced offices Mailbox business center Diegem Coworking Space culliganlaan 1b (Culliganlaan 1b) | 2164 | 101 | 5 | 21.43 |
245. | Eyeworks Office Fabrieksstraat | 2158 | 319 | 1 | 6.76 |
246. | Groupe MR du Parlement bruxellois Office Rue du Lombard 57 | 2147 | 44 | 0 | 48.8 |
247. | Carat Belgium Office Papiermolenstraat 55 | 2146 | 73 | 0 | 29.4 |
248. | CTG Office Woluwelaan 140A | 2144 | 189 | 2 | 11.34 |
249. | Havas Village Brussels Advertising Agency 9 Rue Des Boiteux | 2138 | 103 | 0 | 20.76 |
250. | RSCA Ticketing Office Avenue Theo Verbeecklaan 2 (Stade Constant Vanden Stock Stadion) | 2132 | 754 | 0 | 2.83 |
251. | Leo Burnett Brussels Advertising Agency antwerpselaan 40 | 2130 | 112 | 1 | 19.02 |
252. | Zenito Office Willebroekkaai 37 (Simon Bolivar & Redersplein) | 2123 | 125 | 1 | 16.98 |
253. | [PIAS] Office St-Laurensstraat 36-38 Rue St-Laurent | 2118 | 189 | 0 | 11.21 |
254. | Brico Corporate Headquarters Office Zelliksesteenweg 65 Chée de Zellik | 2112 | 186 | 0 | 11.35 |
255. | Stylelabs Tech Startup Zijdeweverijstraat 171 | 2109 | 75 | 0 | 28.12 |
256. | ManpowerGroup Solutions Office Gemeenschappenlaan 110 | 2107 | 179 | 1 | 11.77 |